Be Bold For Change

As I look back in my life, I wish I’d have taken more risks and settled less. I was in my primary school where I participated in a running game for the first time. As the whistle blew and I have just started running, I fell down. I was embarrassed and many people even told me that runninRisksg is not my game. I stopped running again.

I have seen many of my guy friends losing hopes, failing to succeed yet society groom them to be brave, not to lose hope, take risks and be fearless and never give up. In contrary, our society wants girls to play safe and pretty. That’s the discrimination what I am actually talking about. Discrimination on how we raise her than him. We expect our girls to be vulnerable, calm and composed rather than loud, rough and bold. By we, I mean our so called educated society structured by all the politicians, teachers, businessmen, artists, and so on.
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A Sparkling Soul in a Blaze

Yeah, undoubtedly I do makeup, I like to wear beautiful dresses and I am frank and shy at the same time in different situations but trust me I never said any man that I belong to him. I wanted to be free in my own wildness like a drop of water so that I could mix in any pond, lake, river or ocean I choose to. And being a human I have right to do so. Have I ever asked you why you love to play cricket or football instead I have always respected your passion and interest then why are you so interested in my dance moves? Why do you want to know if I move my ass while I dance or I just move my hands? Taliban’s sexism is justifiable to me as they have become notorious internationally for gender bias but what about you? You want to get recognized as a well being, as a man but in reality inside your soul you are not less than a beast. Yes, that’s right I said a beast. This fleshy lust triggered by rejections, your male dominated culture and philosophies you administer in your life is pushing you towards various unnatural crimes like rapes, abuse, misbehaves. This may quench your thirst or provide you an honorary satisfaction but it leaves a scar inside a girl’s heart, a wound which can never be healed by any medicines or medications. It not only destroys her life but also ruins many other lives of the people who are attached to her. It creates violence and instability in a society and ultimately destroys a country’s reputation internationally. Continue reading

sleep sleep sleep

How long do u sleep??  8 hours? More? or less?? Some people sleep for four hours, then wake up and then again sleep for some more hours. So the sleep which includes duration is normal and much predictable. This is called Biphasic sleep. I have heard most of the people saying they don’t have sound sleep nowadays as they can’t sleep for eight hours continuously at night, when the lights are off so feel sleepy in the afternoon. But this is normal. Human body has an internal clock called circadian rhythm. If a person is kept in a place where there is no sunlight and he is not allowed to take his Continue reading

Decent work for all young people, everywhere

Unemployment is one of the most burning issues Nepali youth have been facing today. The government’s failure in creating job opportunities have induced brain drain – hence forcing the future builders of Nepal to invest their energy abroad. Even worse are the cases when many youngsters indulge in drug abuse, and even get involved in criminal activities to fulfill their dreams in life. Hence, the ones supposed to help protect the society are instead becoming the destroyer themselves.
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Greater one horned rhinoceros (Rhinoceros unicornis) is one of the highly threatened large mammals in South Asia. The rhino is a flagship species of the Terai and will contribute significantly to a long term conservation and sustainable development of this ecosystem. The Greater One-horned Rhinoceros is perhaps the most enduring crest of Nepal’s true legacy. Not only it is important for its biological and ecological value but it also holds a universal appeal for ordinary people. Despite their iconic status these rh Continue reading